
Notice for Implementation of Annual Sports Infrastructure Development Notice for Youth Related Annual Program Implementation Proactive Disclosure दरखास्त आवहान गरिएकव सूचना प्रदेश खेलकुद परिषद गण्डकीको रिक्त सदस्य सचिव पदमा दरखास्त आवहान गरिएको सूचना प्रदेश विकास स्वयंसेवकहरुको म्याद थप सम्बन्धमा जानकारी सम्बन्धमा युवा उद्यमी सम्झौता गर्न आउने सुचना स्वयंसेवक माग गर्ने सम्बमन्धी सूचना एक स्थानिय तह एक खेलमैदान सम्बन्धी सूचना खेलकुद पूर्वाधार सम्बन्धी योजनाहरुको सम्झौता गर्न आउने बारेको सूचना प्रदेश युवा संसद सम्बन्धमा प्रदेश विकास स्वयंसेवक माग गर्ने सम्बन्धमा आ.व.2080/81 का युवा तथा खेलकुद तर्फका सूचनाहरु प्रदेश विकास स्वयंसेवक माग गरिएको सूचना प्रदेश विकास स्वयंसेवकहरुको अन्तर्वार्ताका लागि सूचना

Introduction of the Ministry

As per the Province Government Performance Rules, 2074 BS, the responsibility of youth and sports sector was under the purview of the then Ministry of Social Development.

As per the policy of the Gandaki Province  government, the Province sports development act, 2077 and Gandaki Province sports development regulations, 2078 have been issued to provide sports related laws, structures and infrastructure in the Province for the development and expansion of sports in the state. The Provincial Sports Council has been established as per the decision of the Council of Ministers dated March 26, 2008. District Sports Development Committees have also been formed in all the 11 districts of the Province as per the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Province government dated March 26, 2008.

Ministry works

Notices & News


Youth Events

More News Notices
MOYS August 24, 2021

Agreement for health treatment of player

Services and medicines, pharmaceutical and surgical supplies not available at the center should be arranged & distributed by the patient for the time being. In order to facilitate the effective tr...

  • 353
MOYS August 24, 2021

Committee formed by Rakhep

The National Sports Council has formed a seven-member & Dispute Resolution Investigation Committee is formed. As per the decision of the Executive Committee of the National Sports Council dated 19...

  • 405
MOYS August 24, 2021

Treatment costs to the player

The National Players' Welfare Fund has provided treatment expenses to the same number of players from four different sports on Monday. Four players have been provided Rs. 299,655. Secretary...

  • 315


Sports Events